Saturday, April 16, 2011

How To Be God's Little Princess by Sheila Walsh

How To Be God's Little Princess: Royal Tips for Manners, Etiquette, and True Beauty is full of information for young girls on such topics as: Princess manners at mealtimes, Inner beauty, Setting a table both informal and formal, How to put on a party, texting, internet safety, painting fingernails and toenails and so much more!

It also has many quizzes, puzzles and Scripture verses that deal with each topic.

One of my favorite things that stood out was in the Manners at Mealtime  topic stating  "Don't Show and Tell" talking about not talking while your mouth is full. In the Blushed and Beautiful section the topic is what happens if you burp or worse at the table, the answer is: "A princess who burped would cover her mouth with her napkin(or hand) and softly say, "Excuse me." If it came from the other end, she'd pretend in never happened, as should the others around her. She would never point to someone else and say, "He did it!" that made me laugh out loud! Another favorite was the How to Be a Friend section.

Throughout the book the theme is how to be a princess in every walk of your life. How to walk confidently and live pleasingly to the Lord. The last line of the note that Sheila Walsh wrote to the girls is, " You are God's beautiful, incredible princess--a crowning jewel in His kingdom."

I'm passing this book on to my granddaughter in the hopes that as she grows up she can read this book and see what a special princess God has made her to be.


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