Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In My Mailbox Yesterday

These two books were in my mailbox yesterday. I have mixed feelings about both of them.

I have read mixed reviews on City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare, it is looking like people either love it or hate it. So of course I am going to have to read it to see what the love/hate is with the book. My daughter is going to read it first though so I won't be able to get my hands on it for a while.
The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide by Stephenie Meyer has been a long time in the making. I agree with a blogger over at Bewitched Bookworms who wrote something to the effect of quit wasting time writing an official guide of Twilight and finish writing Midnight Sun. I bought the book out of curiosity, but I too am disappointed that Stephenie Meyer has wasted time on something like this instead of finishing up Midnight Sun as she promised or even writing a sequel to The Host.


  1. I had no idea Stephenie Meyer had another book out and I agree what a huge waste of time.

    I have City of Glass sitting here waiting for me to read it. I guess City of Fallen Angels will be up next. I just hope it doesn't end in a cliff hanger. I hate the wait between books.

  2. Joy I too hate the wait between books. I think it probably does have a cliff hanger though. Ugh! Have you read Clockwork Angel in the same series? I wasn't impressed. But some people love it.

  3. I haven't read Clockwork Angel. I'm not thinking Cassandra Clare is the best thing since sliced bread so I probably won't start another series by her. This one was decent. But I don't plan on going further.


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