Thursday, October 18, 2018

Christmas Hideout by Susan Sleeman

Nicole Dyer and her daughter are on the run from her ex-boyfriend/stalker. Her car breaks down and Deputy Matt McKade finds them hiding in one of the cabins on his family's property. Matt finds the young mother attractive, but knows that there is no way he can act upon that attraction because his plans don't have room for a woman in his life. Getting ready to follow in generations of McKade lawmen, Matt will be running for Sheriff soon. He only has time in his life right now for the job. Nicole feels the instant attraction for Matt, but with her stalker being in law enforcement she knows she can't trust Matt because obviously her ability to discern a good man is not up to par and she refuses to ever put her daughter in danger again. The McKade's take Nicole and her daughter in to protect her and Nicole finds herself slowly learning to trust a lawman again. Will they be able to protect her from her stalker or does she need to leave before her feelings for Matt develop anymore?

I love love love the McKade family! All of them in law-enforcement and all sworn to protect those in danger. I always love the spiritual undertones that this author writes in her stories. Both Matt and Nicole were struggling in their faith trying to muddle through in their own power which gave the story and the characters a "real-life" quality. The suspense draws you in from the very beginning and kept this reader wanting to continue to turn the pages well past my bedtime(which I did!). The attraction between Matt and Nicole was pretty instantaneous, but time was taken to develop trust and to work through emotional undertones that helped the romance be more believable. I definitely enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next in the McKade Law mini series.

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