Monday, November 4, 2019

A Gift Like No Other by Julie Lessman

It is always fun to check back in with the O'Conner family. If you haven't read The Daughters of Boston series you must check them out!

This Christmas novella features Faith and Collin. They've been married for 17 years now. Faith's dream has always been to be a writer but Collin has no desire for her to work outside of the home. What happens when communication in marriage is broken down and dreams are unfulfilled?

One of the things I love about Julie Lessman's books are the way that characters are portrayed honestly. From the ugly to the wonderful. Another thing I love is the spiritual aspect of each book. I love to see characters that deal with real-life situations be redeemed by a Savior who loves them and wants what is perfect for them. Something else the author brings out in me is an emotional connection to the characters. Whether I am caught up in their excitement or even angry at them because of their behavior. Collin made me mad because of his behavior. He put himself in a situation that he had been warned about and that made me mad. Plus he was dealing with issues from his childhood that he never really explained to Faith. Faith caused her own irritation in me for something she did but I have to say I thought she was the better person in that she was quick to ask forgiveness and willing to do whatever it took to make the situation right. Along the emotional roller-coaster ride of emotions that the author evokes is definitely the ramped-up sexual tension between the characters. She knows how to write a great love scene that gets the heart pumping. I'm not talking graphic sexual details here, but love and desire between a married couple...whew! The spiritual lesson of praying in all things is truly "A Gift Like No Other." Once again Julie Lessman has touched my heart and spirit through her characters.


  1. I love Julie's books. I am a journal jots reader.

  2. Hey, Jenn, thanks for coming by and GOOD LUCK in the contest!


  3. Thank you for this great review. You've wonderfully expressed why Julie's book are so good! Love how she shows that even a long standing marriage needs constant work and TLC.Especially appreciate how Julie showed people we love aren't perfect and people shouldn't jump to the divorce court because of one disagreement. Am Journal Jots reader

    1. Hey, Lynne, thanks for coming by, my sweet friend -- ALWAYS good to see you! :)

      Hugs and more hugs!!

  4. I enjoyed your review. As you mention, Julie’s characters definitely bring out the readers’ emotions...I too was upset with Collin. But since mistakes and imperfections are part of living, we are so blessed to be offered...and hopefully illustrated in this beautiful story!

    1. Thank you, Sherida AND Jules, for all of your amazing support and just reading/reviewing my books in the first place. BUT ... mostly for your precious friendships -- I am SO blessed our paths have crossed!

      Hugs and more hugs!!

  5. Yes! I like that you can find both romance and spiritual truth in Julie's books. Of course, the great characters and writing would be reason enough to keep coming back for more :)

  6. Why, THANK YOU, Priscila, for that lovely comment about the characters. You know what they say -- takes one to write one! ;)

    Hugs and good luck in the contest!


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