Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Gift Like No Other by Julie Lessman: Guest Post


It's no secret that Author Julie Lessman can write some steamy scenes in her books! After all her tag-line states, "Passion With A Purpose." Her latest Christmas novella is no exception to keeping that tag-line alive. In fact Julie has put a warning label on this installment of the O'Conner family:

WARNING: Due to a subject matter that deals with marital problems, please be advised that this sweet inspirational novella contains a higher level of romantic passion.

After reading the novella I asked Julie why she chose to add this warning. I also asked her if she would be willing to write a guest post for my blog explaining her reason for writing more edgier Christian romance fiction. Julie agreed, so here you go!



Because my tagline is “Passion With a Purpose,” I often refer to myself as an “Edgy Inspirational”
author, which simply means my novels and novellas contain a higher level of passion—
both romantically and spiritually—than is normally found in Christian romance. You see,
I’m the type of woman who loves a heated romance, you know—the heart-fluttering,
pulse-pounding emotional tug-of-war between a man and a woman? It draws me,
always has, from the early days of Gone With the Wind. But for me, heated romance is not
enough. Without God and His precepts in the middle, it’s nothing but lust—heat that burns
but doesn’t keep you warm.

Let’s face it—passion is powerful. It can drive a woman into the arms of a man, or a person into
the arms of God. In truth, romantic passion gives us a glimpse into the very heart of God. After
studying the “Song of Solomon” in the Bible , I’m convinced that the God who created passion
and intimacy did so to mirror the intensity of His own love for mankind. It is my belief that
romance laced with God’s precepts is also powerful—it can draw, woo and win advocates to
its cause with the stroke of a keyboard. It has been my hope from my very first novel,
A Passion Most Pure, that my writing would strike the balance between romantic and
spiritual passion for the broad base of readers searching for its message, and by interweaving
the two, bring them into an intimate relationship with the true author of romance. And for those
who disagree with me, I hope you will consider reading the following blog I wrote as to exactly
WHY I write the way that I do. It’s called Life on the Edge, and it’s my true heart perspective on
romantic passion.

Life on the Edge

Okay, it’s true—I’m definitely what you’d call an “Edgy Inspirational” romance writer, teetering
on the edge of what is considered appropriate for the Christian market. But I have a confession
to make—yep, I’m afraid of heights. And let’s not sugarcoat this, I’m talking heights of any
kind … peering down from those tiny windows at the top of the St. Louis Arch (cold chill) or a
knee-knocking trek across a dry creek on a board three feet high. Whether it’s the physical
aspect of getting nauseous on the Six Flags ferris wheel or just sick to my stomach over a
1-star review, trust me, it’s not pretty … nor comfortable.

It takes me back to the summer my 12-year-old daughter talked me into an innocent chairlift
ride at the Lake of the Ozarks, billed as a relaxing scenic adventure over a pretty ravine of trees
and wildflowers. Yeah, right. Pretty? Maybe, if I had kept my eyes open. Relaxing? Not even
close for either my daughter or me, the poor, scarred child whose mother had a death grip on
her, forcing her to sing Amazing Grace while I hyperventilated and muttered “In Jesus’ name”
over and over under my breath. I wanted to throw up once my feet hit solid ground, and I vowed
I would NEVER go there again. 

So recently, when a reviewer told her blog audience that she stopped reading my newly
released book, A Passion Denied, halfway through because “In my opinion, smut is smut. Even
if you slap God's name in it on occasion, it's still smut,” I have to admit, it kinda feels like that
stupid aerial tram ride had given way, plummeting me into a ravine on a patch of thistle and
Missouri primrose. Ouch! 

Now before you go feeling sorry for me, please understand that as my Seeker bud, Ruthy, likes
to point out, I knew I was going to rock the boat when I hit the Christian market with my brand of
passion, so duh! And, yes, I really have developed thicker skin for things like 1-star reviews and
nasty comments, neither of which barb me quite as much as before. But I’d be less than truthful
if I didn’t tell you that I ache inside at the thought of offending people I love and respect
because some of the “passion” in my books made them uncomfortable. And more to the heart
of the matter, I bleed inside at the prospect that what I write would in any way offend God.

So if you would be kind enough to humor me today, I’d like to take this opportunity to
editorialize just a bit by explaining to both my critics and my supporters just WHY I write the
way that I do. It should be no surprise to anyone who knows me that I am a woman of
considerable passion—whether for God or romance or even just brushing my teeth, which I do,
by the way, ruthlessly, eyes closed and a pained expression on my face. So when God tapped
me on the shoulder in a beauty shop (figuratively, of course) while reading a 2001 Newsweek
cover article on how Christian movies, books and music were on the threshold of exploding, I
was nervous. Now is the time to finish your book, the thought came, and I knew that meant the
book I’d begun at the age of twelve after reading Gone With the Wind. But romance? The
"subgenre" that literary snobs (myself included) looked down upon? Yes, the thought came
again, write for Me. Mmm … passion for God, an interesting concept. Thus was born my
tagline—Passion With a Purpose. 

I then sent tons of query letters touting the statistic that “nine out of ten women nationwide
(90%) consider themselves to be Christian” -- American Religious Identification Survey
conducted by the Barna Group. Ironically, most of these women who do read romance wouldn’t
choose Inspirational romance to save their soul. Why, you may ask? Well, I can only speak for
myself and my friends who wanted more heart-pounding, 21st-century realistic romantic tension
interlaced with God’s precepts (i.e. on the "edge," like mine), which in years past, hasn't been
overly prevalent in the Christian market. As a result, most of my friends, Christian and non, read
secular romance, which, of course, generally promotes the world’s amoral lifestyle rather than
God’s. What’s wrong with this picture? I mean if the world can take something that God created
and use it to sell its amoral agenda, then why can’t Christians utilize this God-given passion to
promote Him and His precepts?

Look at the world today—it’s obsessed with illicit passion. Hollywood promotes adultery and
unmarried couples sleeping together as sexy, and I can count on one hand how many young,
unmarried women I know who are still virgins today, Christian or no. Why? Because passion is
important! Not just to romance readers, but to everyone on the planet. We were created that
way by a passionate God who analogizes His own depth of love for each of us in a very
passionate love letter called “Song of Solomon.” And what happens? The world uses this
beautiful, God-given gift to shove sin down peoples’ throats, and I, for one, am really sick of it. I
want to use passion the way it was intended—to teach people God’s precepts and therein, His
love. It’s the cry of my heart, and I hope and pray that for my readers, my stories of romantic
passion translate into passion for God.

But those who disagree with me do give me pause to think … and to pray … that I stay the
course with God’s plan and not my own. I thank them for their passion for purity, which I assure
them, is as fervent as mine and which inspires me to be even more vigilant and careful in future
stories I write. And, yes, I do understand the concern and “passion” of those who feel Christian
romance must remain chaste and pure. 

But on the other side of the spectrum, there are Christians like me, who worry that “chaste and
pure” will not reach the majority of Nora Roberts or the MTV crowd any more than old-time
Gospel music will reach those who listen to Christian rock such as Pillar or metalcore rock like
Underoath. The Body of Christ is just that—a body of human beings at varying levels of faith.
It’s not one size fits all in reaching people for Christ, but it’s the cry of St. Paul who said “I have
become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” Salt … in an unsavory

But I’ll be honest—in the last few months, I have been going through a really discouraging time
regarding my writing, wondering if I was on track with God regarding the level of passion I
include in my books. Sure, I’ve received lots of positive feedback, like the 15-year-old who
couldn’t talk to her mom about anything, she said, until she and her mom found common
ground in their mutual love of A Passion Most Pure. Or the guy who contacted me to get a
signed copy for a friend he wanted as a girlfriend. When he told her he wanted a deeper
relationship with her, she actually made him read A Passion Most Pure because “that was the
kind of relationship she wanted, with God in the middle.” Or the woman who’d “fallen away”
from Christianity and wouldn’t read Inspirational books on a dare, but picked mine up not
realizing it was spiritual. She wrote that A Passion Most Pure rekindled her love for God and
gave her hope again. These are stories that I treasure in my heart.

But life up on the “edge” is still scary for me, nonetheless, because at the base core of who I
am as a woman and a writer, I have this deep, primal longing to please and honor my God. So I
was praying with my prayer partner about it (AGAIN!) when her 25-year-old daughter stopped
by, a girl I hadn’t seen in a long time but knew that she had strayed from her Christian roots—
living with her boyfriend before they got married, not going to church anymore, heavy drinking,
etc. This young women proceeded to tell me that when she read my books, she actually got
angry at me. Why? Because the spiritual parts convicted her so much that she wanted to throw
the books out. But she didn’t, she said, BECAUSE the sensuality and intense romance so
grabbed her by the throat, that she was compelled to finish the books. And when she turned the
last page of A Passion Redeemed, she told me it had brought her up to a whole other level with
God. I had tears in my eyes when I learned she is now back at church and trying to live for Him.
Call me “edgy” if you will, but for me, it just doesn’t get any better than that.

Writing on the “edge” in anything—romance, suspense, young adult, women’s fiction—is a dizzying prospect for any of us who attempt it, especially for those who don’t like heights … or the jolting effect when you crash to the ravine below. But it’s also exhilarating, standing on that cliff, eyes on God instead of the valley below, hoping and praying the wind of the Holy Spirit will help you to soar … for Him. And in that one breathless moment when something you wrote turns the heart of a person back to the Father … oh my … you feel like you can fly!


Thanks so much Julie for sharing on my blog today! I love the picture of you standing on the edge, but have to say it gives me the willies even thinking about someone standing out on a ledge like that! Thank the Lord for Photoshop so I know you were safe and in your right mind(because only a crazy person would do that!). Thank you for sharing your passion for writing and your passion for the Savior and His passion for US!

Come back tomorrow to read my review of A GIFT LIKE NO OTHER.


  1. I came here from Julie’s Journal Jots=) I look forward to reading her newest novella!

    1. Hey, Patty, thanks SO much for coming by, and I look forward to you reading my newest novella, too, so good luck in the contest!


  2. Julie, thank you for your transparency. I am an avid fan and love that you show both sides of the picture in marriage and courting. Marriage is a beautiful commitment to one another. Marriage is and should be full of love and passion, that sharing of love, commitment and friendship is what keeps a marriage strong! Keep on keeping on Mrs. Julie!!❤��

    1. Aw, Cindy, thanks SO much for your kind encouragement -- it means more than I can say, my friend. Here's to a win and good luck in the contest.


  3. What a cool story about how your stories touched someone, going through a rough time! I loved your whole O'Connor saga, and I'm thrilled that you are writing more about Faith and Collin! I was sent over by Journal Jots :) crazi.swans @ gmail dot com

    1. Hey, Faith, thanks for coming by, and you are officially entered, my friend, so GOOD LUCK!


  4. I was sent here by Journal Jots. Thanks for your blog, and for the review. I'm kinda curious about that warning....:) arletta(dot)boulton(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Hey, Arletta, thanks for coming by, my friend -- you're in the draw! I've had so many readers tell me this book is not anymore romantically passionate than my other books, so if you read them, this won't be a big surprise. It's just that it deals with a marital problem that I felt warranted a heads-up.

      Hugs and Happy Winning!

  5. Thank you so much Julie for your beautiful stories! You've done such a wonderful job of inspiring us and showing us how passion should be a factor in our lives,but as a gift God has given us and not the way the world expects it to be,and A Gift Like No Other is no exception. Such a wonderful addition to the O'Connor saga! I was sent by Journal Jots. :)

  6. No, thank YOU, Lynne, for being such a faithful support for me and a truly wonderful friend! Good luck in the contest, my friend, and here's to a win!


  7. I'm Journal Jots reader and followed Julie here! :) Thanks for this post and the lovely heart that is behind it! Julie, you are such a bright spot in my life and I love your passionate heart! After reading my first novel by you, it felt like God was saying, "see I created passion and it is a GOOD thing when used for my Glory" and ever since I have felt that is exactly what you have done in all your novels and I am so thankful for your writing and for you!! 💜

    1. MARY!!! Girl, I just love you, you know that? You have done nothing but encourage and support me, and I am SO thankful for you too! I truly treasure your friendship, my sweet friend, and hope a win comes your way!

      Hugs and more hugs!

  8. Julie, I LOVE that you’re willing to put yourself out there in a way that’s committed to reaching all types of people in our very diverse body of believers. Passion is what drives so many people and you capture it beautifully. Keep doing what you’re doing!!

    1. MommaBear, I cannot thank you enough for your kind encouragement! I will admit -- as you read in my Life in the Edge blog -- sometimes it still gets to me, but mostly I keep looking up, looking for His confirmation that I am on the right path, and in my 11th year writing with passion, I am convinced more than ever I am.

      I have never read 50 Shades of Gray, but knowing it is one of the top-selling romance books of all time tells me that amoral society is cashing in on passion that GOD not only created, but created for good, not evil! I don't know about you, but that reallllly ticks me off!! Whoops ... don't get me started! ;)

      Thanks again, my friend.


  9. I came from the Journal Jots blog, and I must say, I loved this post! I'm glad that you obeyed God's prompt to write the kind of books He wanted you to, because I've thoroughly enjoyed the ones I've read so far, as well as have been convicted by some parts of them. Keep fighting the good fight!

  10. Oh, Priscila, your sweet comment blesses me more than I can say! As I mentioned to MommaBear above and in my Life in the Edge article, sometimes the negative reactions and 1-star reviews still get to me, but definitely not as much as in the beginning because God has toughened this old girl, urging me to keep looking up for His direction regarding my career, always confirming that I am on the right path FOR ME.

    As I also said above, I have never read 50 Shades of Gray, but knowing it is one of the top-selling romance books of all time tells me that amoral society is cashing in on passion that GOD not only created, but created for good, not evil! I don't know about you, but that reallllly ticks me off every single time I read it, so I am trying to reach some of the those women out there that profess God, but don't live for Him.

    Thanks again, my friend, for your very encouraging comment.



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