Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Nana The Great Comes To Visit by Lisa Tawn Bergren


Whether you are a Nana, Grandma, Grammy or whatever your grandchildren call you, this is a fun book to read to them. I wish that I was as fun as this Nana! I love the fun things that Nana does when she comes and visits her grandchildren. She's pretty creative. I also love the illustrations. They are cute and depict the activities in the story perfectly. A fun story and picture book for your young grandchildren and you to enjoy! 

Check out this fun activity kit with free downloadables: https://www.godgaveusbooks.com/kids-activities

You can also. purchase the book from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Nana-Great-Comes-Visit-Bergren/dp/0593232887/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16IVN5VCXC9CP&keywords=nana+the+great+comes+to+visit&qid=1647971294&s=books&sprefix=nana+the+great+comes+to+visit%2Cstripbooks%2C76&sr=1-1

Monday, March 7, 2022

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain


This is a class y'all. But whew is it offensive! The n-word is very prominent in the story and it was a slap in the face every time I saw it. I know, the era in which this was written that was totally acceptable. Reading it in a more "enlightened" time period causes me to shake my head. I definitely would not have read this book out loud to my children! Ack! Anyway, I could go into all of the racist stuff and all of the what's acceptable now vs. then but you all know it. As far as the story goes, meh, not my favorite. Huck is a mess and then bring Tom Sawyer into the story and whoa! Huck seemed to have an ounce of common sense about him, and a sense of right and wrong, but Tom Sawyer? Holy moly was he a mess. I guess you could say he lived in his own little fantasy world and it seems to have been left unchecked so his imagination has run amok! The whole helping Jim escape plan had me scratching my head going whaaaaattttt???? Anyway, if you like to read classics then go for it, but it definitely wasn't my cup of tea.

This book was a recommendation out of the book On Reading Well by Karen Swallow Prior. It was under the Courage chapter.