Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Andi Unstoppable by Amanda Flower

Andi and her fellow classmates are assigned to go find as many birds as they can and document what types they find. Unfortunately Andi's nemesis Ava gets to Andi's best friend Colin before Andi can pair up with him for the project. Their teacher, seeing that they are the last three students left, assigns them all to be a group. As part of their assignment they will receive extra points if they catch sight of the elusive Kirtland's warbler. One has been spotted in the woods around Shalley Park. Andi, Colin and Ava are determined to get those extra points.

Colin's great aunt is visiting. She's a famed "birder" and she too is looking to spot the Kirtland's. Claudette agrees to take Andi, Colin and Ava on a camping trip with her into the woods. There are many other birders from around the states that are in the woods hoping to catch sight of the Kirtland's. While sitting around their campfire one of the birders tells the famed story of the ghost of Shalley Park. Of course Andi's curiosity is piqued, both she and Colin know that ghosts do not exist, but when they see something floating around in the woods they cannot deny that it truly does look like a ghost. Could the stories be true? Is there really a ghost haunting the woods? Andi and Colin are on the case!

I am really enjoying this series! I like the interaction between Colin and Andi and even the rivalry with Ava. I like the adults that are in the story as well. Andi's aunt is a young woman trying her hardest to be the parent that Andi and her sister need after the deaths of their parents. Colin's grandmother is the "spiritual enforcer" in the story, encouraging and prodding them all to go to church every Sunday. Colin's absentee doctor parents are kind of on the sidelines most of the time, but they do seem to care for Colin. Andi and Colin have a knack for snooping out mysteries around town and getting into a bit of danger along the way. As always in an Amanda Flower/Isabella Alan story there is sprinkled throughout the fun sense of humor among the characters that make them seem more true to life. I think the target age group would be about 8-13, but as an adult I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to more in the series!

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