Friday, October 11, 2019

Christy by Catherine Marshall: Read-Along Discussion 2

This week we are discussing Chapters 5-11. Head over to Amber's blog at Seasons Of Humility to get all of the details and see her post about the read-along and thoughts for this week.

Discussion format: your favorite quotes, general impressions, and three questions to answer for each week's reading


But meanwhile in the face of tragedy and almost because of it, these mountains were whispering to me a different message. I did not realize it then, but from that moment this became my view, a source of peace and strength, a stabilizing energy that entered into me to quiet the mind and satisfy the heart. I love that she has a place to go and be contemplative and restful. I think we all need a place like that. I think the ocean does that for me when I am able to go there ;)

One of our tasks here is to show folks a God who wants to give them joy. I love Miss Alice's wisdom. The Cutter Gap people are so stern and have such a hard time eeking out a living that they have no time for joy. They hold on so tight to their grudges and bitternesses that they miss out on the joy that being free in the Lord brings. 

Christy Huddleston, I think thee will do. I loved this proclamation of Miss Alice's. I enjoy when she slips into her "Quaker speech". And I'm glad that she approves of Christy.

When I had confided to Miss Henderson that I was not sure I could pray before a roomful of children, she had replied crisply, "You'll need all the prayers you can get." bwahahaha! I love that!

No'm, I can't sit by no boy. This ain't a courtin' school. My Paw'll take me out if'n ye make it a courtin' school. Again, this made me laugh. I love the hillbilly talk. It is also mind-boggling how far behind the times the Cutter Gap community was. 

When you decided to leave home and take this teaching job, you were venturing out of your particular ivory tower. I know. I was  reared in an ivory tower too. Then we get our first good look at the way life really is, and a lot of us want to run back to shelter in a hurry. Ack! This was kind of close to home! I too was raised in an ivory tower and still like to keep myself sheltered from the ugliness of this world. 

You see, Christy, evil is real-and powerful. It has to be fought, not explained away, not fled. And God is against evil all the way. So each of us has to decide where we stand, how we're going to live our lives. We can try to persuade ourselves that evil doesn't exist; live for ourselves and wink at evil. We can say that it isn't so bad after all, maybe even try to call it fun by clothing it in silks and velvets. We can compromise with it, keep quiet about it and say it's none of our business. Or we can work on God's side, listen for His orders on strategy against the evil, no matter how horrible it is, and know that He can transform it. Such a sad story was shared by Miss Alice before this speech. Kind of like asking "why does God allow bad things to happen to good people" 

Christy, you surprise me. Really you do. His voice was gentle. Do you honestly think this Mrs.--whatever her name is--Furnam sent this check as the direct result of your thoughts or 'suggestions' or prayers one night in your bedroom? Probably she would have sent the check anyway. A coincidence. Perfectly natural thing for her to do. Nice though. Hope we can use it for a horse. Ack! I think David has some serious faith issues for being a preacher. 

Just for example, there's a couple other side Raven Mountain who haven't spoken to one another in twenty-six years. You mean, they're divorced? No! That's my point. They've lived together in the same cabin all that time. Lived together as man and wife and have had seven children. The mother will say to one of the children, "Liz, tell yer Paw for me...Then the father will send his reply back by Liz. They think it's a virtue, a mark of strong character, to carry a grudge to the grave. Oh my word! Could you imagine?! Heaven forbid either one would break the silence or apologize, but they will stay together, have sex and have's crazy!

When you have something important to say to a man, my mother had always advised, " never say it to a hungry one. Wait until he's had a good meal." Well then, now should be the moment. bwahahaha! Poor David had no clue what he was getting into!


I love Miss Alice. I was shocked by the O'Teale home and property. Ruby Mae cracks me up! The boy with the twitchy ear at school made me laugh! Why is David a preacher when he doesn't even know if he believes in God? Christy's bounty once her letters went out was hysterical. And I can't decide if I like Dr. MacNeill or not. I think he is too old for Christy though!


1. Despite all the sad revelations in this section, what moment or scene stood out to you as either really funny or really uplifting? Any time that Christy talked to Miss Alice. I love the wisdom and calm and peace she displays. 
2. Now that we've gotten to know David and Dr. MacNeill a bit better, what are your impressions of them? How do you feel about their characters, their attitudes, and their interactions with others?I never cared for David in my readings of CHRISTY. I think that he is almost just as young as Christy in trying to find himself. For being a preacher he is very lacking in his faith. I like that Dr. MacNeill came back to the hills to practice medicine and help the people he grew up around. 

3. What are your thoughts about Christy's requests for donations from friends and various companies? Do you think she was foisting a cause upon others inappropriately? (To reference a conversation in chapter 11.) Or do you think such letters could be a blessing to both giver and receiver? Would you have approached things differently?Christy had good intentions. I doubt that I would have done it because I would be too scared to request anything from someone I don't know. I think that being young she had no idea how the requests could backfire for her. Plus I don't think she had any idea of how much response she would get. Being part of an organization she should have talked to at least Miss Alice about the idea instead of going off on her own. 

Have you read CHRISTY before? What are your thoughts about these chapters. Are you enjoying the read-along, or if you have read it before did you enjoy the book? Join us next week for discussion on Chapters 12-18.


  1. Always love the quotes you choose and your thoughts on them! I love the "I think thee will do" line too, and it reminds me of the TV series. :) "You'll need all the prayers you can get"--so good, haha! And the thought of a couple not talking to each other for 26 years while having babies and living in the same home...that's insane!! I can't even imagine.

    I also love all the scenes with Miss Alice. And I think you make a great point with question #3 about Christy needing to approach Miss Alice or someone else in the organization before trying to raise funds since she's not out on her own but working for/with a group.

    Great post! And I feel like we get an even more eye-opening glimpse into David's level of faith in the next section... He's still growing and learning, for sure!


    1. I'm glad you enjoy the quotes I choose because sometimes I think I go a bit crazy! ha! There are so many good ones! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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