Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Shadow of Doubt by Susan Sleeman


Brooklyn is being hunted by a hacker that she used to be in love with. That is until he turned greedy and she had to turn him in. Now is is seeking revenge and will stop at nothing to find her. Colin works for the Maddox brothers teaching survival classes and caring for his mother who has lupus. Now he is protecting Brooklyn from an unknown evil. Of course neither Brooklyn nor Colin have time for a relationship. Brooklyn's life is not her own with the hacker still on the loose and Colin is dedicated to the care of his mother. But neither can stop the attraction they have for each other. 

Book 5 I think was my favorite so far. I loved the characters Brooklyn and Colin. Their story moved quickly and excitingly. I loved how both of the characters cared for Colin's mother and her health. The scene when Brooklyn is finally confronted by the person/s after her was creative and exciting and had my heart pounding and my nerves on edge! An exciting read as are the rest of the Shadow Lake Survival books. I highly recommend!

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