Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter


When she wakes up and finds herself in the middle of Paris with some man standing over her yelling at her to RUN! she has no idea where she is or why she is laying in the snow. In fact she has no memory whatsoever. When people start shooting she runs! Now she is with a hot guy, people are chasing them trying to kill them and the only thing she can come up with is she is a spy! 

I have mixed feelings on this book. I enjoyed the adventure, I enjoyed the danger the couple was in, I even enjoyed some of the dialogue between them. On the flip side, that same dialogue could get a bit annoying. At times I thought the story read like a middle school adventure book. But then I thought, hence the title "Blonde" Identity. Because whew, dumb blonde came across a lot! But then again, it is kind of what made the character rather endearing! This book is supposed to be an adult story. At times I found myself thinking that it was just the author's excuse to be able to use the "f" word and to have a couple of steamy scenes between the characters. So yes, mixed feelings. The story gave me vibes of some interesting movies. Think of course The Bourne Identity, maybe even the Die Hard movies, because a lot of kick-butt scenes and such. But then I'd think of movies like the Lost City and Red, kind of adventure/dangerous movies with comedic undertones. So all in all I enjoyed the book and had a fun time reading it. Oh, it did end on a cliffhanger so we may get a sequel!

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