Sunday, February 3, 2013

Teardrop(7 Hours) by Travis Thrasher

From Goodreads:

In each installment of 7 Hours, a character is visited by the enigmatic Thomas Constant, who makes a heart-stopping statement: "You are about to die. But you may choose from one of three options: Live seven more hours, travel back in time and relive seven hours, or accept the inevitable and die now.

My Synopsis:

Former police officer Mike Harden's wife was brutally murdered 6 years ago. Now running a coffee house that is about to go under, Mike's only comfort seems to be his two Chihuahua's Payton and Butkus. Each morning Mike takes the dogs for a walk no matter what the weather. On this day when he is just about home he meets Thomas Constant. Trying to be nice to a stranger, yet wanting to get rid of him Mike offers to meet the persistent Constant at his coffee house and give him a free cup of coffee.  When Constant makes him his standard 7 hours offer once again Mike tries to blow him off. Thinking that it would be easier to just play along Mike tells Constant that he would like to go back in time to his wedding day. When Mike realizes that he has been transported back in time to that very day he has one goal in mind: to kill the man that murdered his wife! 

My Thoughts:

I really liked TEARDROP. I liked the fact that Mike was able to relive some moments from his and Ashley's wedding. To take the opportunity to tell her several times how much he loved her and how thankful he was to God for bringing them together. I liked the mature 41 year old man looking back on his 24 year old self willing to redeem some of his mistakes.  


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