Saturday, May 23, 2020

Funny Meeting You Here by Holly Schindler

A compilation of 6 short stories that will warm your heart and give you a little chuckle as you read! Each story is about a chance meeting whether between people or, in one case, a person and dog. Each story held it's own charm for me, but there was one that grabbed my heart and made me sigh with happiness, sadness, a bit of laughter and a lot of hope: HOW GREEN IS YOUR THUMB touched me for some reason. It was about a man who's wife had passed away and he was doing the best he could to carry on without her. I loved that he honored her memory, but also was moving on with his life, not stuck in their past. Here are a couple of favorite lines from the story:

"He'd never understood it. The attachment to stuff, that is. Any more than he'd ever understood the need to make people into saints after they died." People would kind of give him the side-eye when he referred to his wife as 'pushing up daisies' but that is the way they had referred to death when she was alive so why not? He didn't commemorate her memory by making a saint of her. He knew her limitations and they had laughed about them while she was alive, why not laugh about them when she's gone? 

"But he did have a giant bungee cord left over from his rock climbing days when he and Tillie were out in that Winnebago of theirs. So he buckled the harness on and attached the cord to the railing of his balcony. Then he jumped and used the momentum to swing back up to her own ledge and then...

Oh, come on. He was a white-haired guy who only liked to pretend he could be a regular Indiana Jones. he was not exactly a member of Cirque du Soleil." This had me cracking up because I could picture this old dude swinging by a bungee from the balcony. Plus I was sitting there going WHAT?! and then read the next several paragraphs and cracked up! 

"He couldn't believe it. Suddenly, out of nowhere, in the time of his life when he had gotten so used to drought, a deluge. Amid young green shoots that had taken firm root." Such a sweet ending! I just sighed with contentment!

And then this last quote from the last line of Part III of AIN'T NOBODY RIDES THE BUS WHO DON'T HAVE TO, "Such is the joy of unexpected meetings. They always change the color of the world." And ain't that the truth?!

If you enjoy quick reads then this book will be a treat for you. It filled all of the warm happy spots in my heart just a little bit more!

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