Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Wolfhunter River by Rachel Caine

Note to all of my readers: WOLFHUNTER RIVER is not the genre of book that I normally review on my blog. I became familiar with this author's writing through her Morganville Vampire series for young adults. This series(Stillhouse Lake), is adult fiction. It is secular as opposed to my normal reviewing of Christian fiction. Therefore I feel like I need to give a disclaimer: there are adult themes in this series, there is foul language and references to sexual situations. I read all genre's of books including non-Christian and will occasionally review those on my blog. 

Gwen has decided she is no longer running from the people that hate her for having been married to serial killer Melvin Royal. Trying to tell her story, unfortunately Gwen chooses the wrong outlet. The woman who hates her the most is out to destroy Gwen and her family. She will stop at nothing to make Gwen pay for what Melvin did to her daughter.

Over the years Gwen has gotten calls from people seeking her help. When someone calls from Wolfhunter Gwen has no interest in going there, but things are heating up in Stillhouse and it is best that she gets away for awhile. Women are disappearing in Wolfhunter and Gwen has no choice but to help the woman who calls.

There is something wrong in Wolfhunter. Gwen is determined to help a young woman when law-enforcement seem to be railroading her to the death penalty. Gwen and boyfriend Sam want to get out of Wolfhunter as fast as possible, but it seems that someone wants them dead instead. Is Gwen's past catching up with her again?  Are the locals hiding something? Who can Gwen and Sam trust?

Oh. My. Word! This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I read it in two days! I didn't want to put it down! It was fast-paced, it was scary, it had twists and turns that kept me wondering what in the world was going on. It was dark! I honestly don't know if someone like Gwen, Sam and Gwen's kids could go through as much as they do if they were real-life people! The stress on them would be too great I imagine. Melvin's evilness is still touching their lives and it is horrifying. What comes next for Gwen and Sam? There were some pretty intense secrets that were let out of the bag in this installment. If you like darkly intense thrillers then I would say that author Rachel Caine hit the nose on this one.

Other books in the series:

Stillhouse Lake
Killman Creek

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