Thursday, February 28, 2019

Bad Day For A Bombshell by Cindy Vincent

This is the first book in the Tracy Truworth series. We are introduced to Tracy as she and her mother are rushing to catch the train back to their hometown of Houston after a shopping expedition. While Tracy's mom drones on and on about how horrible Tracy is, Tracy notices a blonde bombshell entering their train car. After all, it is hard to not notice someone who is trying so hard to gain attention! Tracy also notices a mysterious man trying very hard to remain inconspicuous. She wonders what he is up to.

An arranged marriage, a drunk and abusive woman for a mother, talk of America being brought into the war, Nazi's around every corner, stumbling onto a murder, not to mention the Bogart look-alike mysterious man from the train and Tracy's life is just about to be turned upside down!

BAD DAY FOR A BOMBSHELL is set in the 1940's. I love the characters. Tracy's new boss and look-alike Humphrey Bogart is too much! You can just imagine him saying, "Here's lookin at you kid" in that Bogart voice! I enjoyed the adventure while learning a little bit about the unrest of the times. Where Nazi's were lurking around every corner, where women were called "doll" and nobody thought it was rude or demeaning, where nightclubs offered fun entertainment, and where Tracy becomes an apprentice P.I.

Throughout the whole story I imagined in the background old swing-dance music playing, Sammy with his "awww shucks" Bogart look and all the terror that people felt when the attack happened on Pearl Harbor. I loved the mystery of the story, it played out like a fascinating who-done-it. I read book 2 in the series first, so I was happy to read book 1 and see how it all started out. A fun and entertaining read that kept me interested throughout.

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