Saturday, December 30, 2017

Inspire, The Bible for Creative Journaling

Last year a friend gave me a gift card to our local Bible book store. I had been wanting a Bible to color in. Each year I read through the Bible and I try to read a different translation each year. This Bible is the New Living Translation. Which is a paraphrase of the Bible. I wouldn't recommend studying God's Word with this translation, but for daily reading it is perfect. I loved all of the opportunities to color a page that helped me reflect on what a passage was saying. I plan on keeping this by my chair so that I can pick it up and color more pages. There were many illustrations that I chose to color and then there were many that I skipped over so I think it will be fun to go back through this next year and color some that I missed.

For 2018 I have chosen to read The Daily Bible in the NIV translation. It is a devotional Bible and is in chronological order. I'm usually not a fan of the chronological order because I like to start in Genesis and read through to Revelation, but like I said, I like to choose a different translation or format each year. One of the women I go to Bible study with gave us these Bible's for Christmas last year, but I had already chosen the Inspire Bible to read so now I will read the Daily Bible.

How about you? Do you read the Bible daily? Do you read through cover to cover? Do you like different translations? Do you like to read a "real" Bible or do you go for the electronic Bible's? Any thoughts on paraphrases such as this one or ones like The Message? Have you ever thought about creative journaling?

This will be my last post for 2017. May God richly bless you all in 2018 and may you grow closer to Him. If you have never read through His Word then I would encourage you to give it a try. His Word never gets old!


  1. Such a neat Bible, Julie! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I usually read the Bible on my Kindle (it's easier to find things on there with the interactive table of contents.) A coloring Bible is a really cool idea. And it's really awesome that you chose a different translation every year. Hope you enjoy your read through of the Bible this year with your new translation!

    1. My husband likes to read on his Kindle as well. I've read through on my Kindle once or twice over the years. I even read through on my Bible app on my phone. And even though I like reading on the electronic devices most of the time, for some reason I enjoy a "real" Bible. I know it is weird, but I guess we all have our preferences eh? The coloring Bible was neat and some of the pictures were pretty cool. I do want to go back through and get to some of the ones that I thought were really pretty, but didn't have the time to color. Thanks for stopping by!


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