Thursday, February 20, 2025

Disclose by Joelle Charbonneau


Meri is determined to expose the government lies. With that in mind she offers to be captured by the Marshals in order to gather evidence that all is not well within their country. When Meri is captured she finds things worse than she ever thought possible and is more determined than ever to escape and find a way to disclose what is going on. Will people believe her or turn a blind eye in order to delude themselves into a sense of safety. 

Wow! Talk about history repeating itself, only in our country and not Germany. The horrors that Meri sees and experiences totally reminded me of the Holocaust. Could that ever happen in our country? Read these books and find out how easy it can happen! 

Favorite Quotes:

Bread and circuses--giving a sense of security through everyday essentials like food and at the same time providing outrageous entertainment to distract the mind. pg. 40

Diversity--a word to celebrate differences when the government wants only what is the same. Sameness makes people comfortable. It discourages discussion. Most of all,  it represses change. pg 78

"When I looked back at the texts my teachers had us read, I noticed the word "worker" was frequently used in place of the word "slave." With a change of that one word suddenly an entire history of pain and dehumanization is softened into something less shameful." Meri--pg. 157

Words matter. Facts matter. Truth matters. Author Joelle Charbonneau

My Thoughts:

I love a book that entertains, offers a bit of reality and also teaches a lesson. Verify and Disclose did those things and more. There were so many cautionary things going on in the story. In a way I think that this book should have been called Revolution. I mean the word is used several times throughout, but especially at the end. This says it is a two book series but I think that it could go further. We'll see if that happens. I love that in these types of stories there are always those people willing to fight for what is right. That is what Meri and others like her are willing to do even if it means losing their lives for it. Is there triumph for their cause in the end? No, but there is a start, and I like that hope at the ending. Thought provoking and entertaining. A book I'd recommend.

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