Saturday, July 17, 2010

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Well I lied. I wasn't going to post my review until August 31st, but I am seeing reviews for this book all over the place so decided to add mine before I forget. So here goes:

This is the first book in a Prequel series to the Mortal Instruments series.

When Tessa Gray’s aunt dies Tessa sets sail for England to join her brother. Expecting her brother to meet her at the ship she is disappointed when 2 sisters meet her instead. They meet her with a letter from her brother saying that he has sent them to get her. This is the start of Tessa’s nightmare. She is held captive by the sisters and trained to become someone/something that she didn’t even know she was.

Rescued by Will and taken to the London Institute of the Shadowhunters she learns about the workings of the Downworld. Her newfound friends also discover a new invention of the Magister, an army of machines.

Tessa is confused about her feelings for Will. He sometimes acts as if he cares and then other times he is totally brooding and rude. Tessa’s ultimate goal is to find her brother.

When war breaks out who will be left standing? Will it be Tessa and her newfound friends or the Magister and his army of machines?

I have to say that I was a bit disappointed in this book. I was looking forward to it as I loved the Mortal Instruments books. I had a hard time connecting with the characters. It seemed to drag along. There were a few exciting parts in the book and some surprises that helped to keep me reading, but I must say it was a struggle to get through. You don’t have to read The Mortal Instruments to read The Infernal Devices. My understanding is there are 3 books planned for this prequel. I’m not sure that I will read the next 2.

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