Fans of The Psalm 23 Mysteries have waited a hot minute for this one! It did not disappoint! As exciting as all of the others in the series and just as fast-paced!
When Cindy's church decides to set the example and return to camp Green Pastures for a team-building retreat none of the staff is overly thrilled about going back there. Jeremiah is not happy that Cindy is going. Memories of his last trip there still haunt him and many others. Just as predicted things do not go well. Will they all survive or is someone of their friends destined to not make it back?
Seriously, you will not be able to put this book down. Of course you need to start at the beginning of the series to understand all of the characters. We are nearing the end and I find myself biting nails, holding my breath and praying for characters that I have come to be invested in! Eeep! What will happen next? I'm staying tuned!